
Welcome to The Klo Organic Beauty Blog!

What is a good skincare routine during perimenopause?

Women in their 40s and entering perimenopause may notice drier skin. Skin care routines that have worked in the past are not cutting it anymore.

The 5 Best Oils For Youthful Skin

Adding oils to your skin care routine might be just what you need. If you find yourself struggling with tight dry skin or fine lines and wrinkles, oil is the answer!

7 Ways To Shorten Your Morning Routine

Be realistic when allotting time to complete your morning tasks. If you find you are rushing, try timing yourself to see how long it actually takes you to do the things that you do everyday.

Can MTHFR Give You Acne?

Yes, it happened to me. I was struggling with acne for years, using every product I could find that told me it would cure my acne.

Do I Need a Moisturizer If I Use a Serum?

People have been conditioned to think they need to layer multiple products on their skin to avoid dryness, wrinkles, or ashy skin. The answer is absolutely not.

Can I Oil Cleanse If I Have Acne?

The answer is absolutely yes! Oil cleansing with the right oils will not only clear your acne but also lighten and diminish scarring from past acne…


Should I avoid fragrance in my skin care products?

Will Oil Cleansing Make Me Breakout?

It could. But it could also give you the best skin of your life.

I Stopped Washing My Face And Got The Best Skin Of My Life

Oil cleansing changed my skin.

11 Foods To Eat For Better Skin

The following is a list of foods that you can add to your diet for better skin.

Taking Better Care Of Ourselves

Many of us are spending more time at home than usual. This is a great time to focus on taking better care of ourselves.

Boost Your Immunity

Seven steps you can take to boost your immunity right now.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Your Skin?

While we do believe coconut oil is good for your skin from the inside out, it is not actually beneficial to most skin from the outside in.

Oil Cleansing Simplified

There are two oil cleansing rules that we believe are necessary. 

Fire Cider

We are sharing our recipe for Fire Cider (and why you need it!).

MTHFR Gene Mutation

40% of the world’s population has some sort of mutation on this gene and doesn’t know it.

11 Steps to Better Skin

11 lifestyle changes for better skin.

Klose-up with Happy Healthy Mama

Maryea from Happy Healthy Mama talks about why she loves Klo Organic Beauty skin care. She has been able to simplify her lifestyle and wear less make-up.

Why oil cleansing is your answer to beautiful skin

6 questions to help you decide if you should be oil cleansing.

Klose-up with Susanna

Susanna struggled with dry skin until she started using Klo.

*Click to watch video*

Eliminating Acne with The Klo Method

9 steps to clear skin with The Klō Method.

How Many Times a Day Should I Oil Cleanse?

The simple answer is, one.

Klose-up with Cristina

Cristina discusses how Klo has healed her acne and acne scars.

*Click to watch video*

Klose-up with Megan

Megan discusses how Klo healed her skin which was extremely dry from chemo and radiation.

Klose-up with Amy

Amy immediately noticed life, dewiness, and color come to her skin when she started using Klo.

*Click to watch video*

Klose-up with Robin

Robin feels the Klo Duo has given her tighter looking skin with a more youthful appearance and feel.

*Click to watch video*

Klose-up with Lisa

Lisa gives a short demonstration on how she oil cleanses and talks about how soft her skin feels after only one use.

*Click to watch video*

The Best Anti-Aging Serum

Your Klō serum gives you the same glow you get after spending a few hours in the sun!

Amazing Success Story!

After reading our post, Oil Cleansing Cured My Acne, and seeing the before and after shot of Klō-Founder, Megan, she ordered her Klō duo. Just TWO months later she sent us her own before and after picture.

How To Make a Citrus Sugar Scrub Video

Do As I Say Not As I Do

As a health coach and organic skin care maker, it is natural to assume that my life is all healthy all the time. The truth is, everyone has their “things”.

My Favorite Toxin-Free Beauty Products

Oil Cleansing Cured My Acne

Why you are getting acne and how I cleared my skin with oil cleansing.

Homemade Deodorant? No Sweat!

DIY healthy deodorant recipe that really works.

How To Oil Cleanse Tutorial

Want to start oil cleansing but not sure if you are doing it right? We totally understand. That is why we made a short “how to” video for you.